This is easily on of the most disturbing and hellish commercials I have ever seen. There are a total of 6 of these made for the super bowl. The slogan can be seen in other commercials as well, including one with a group of children sitting around a table making bologna masks by taking bites out of the folded slices. They don their creations, grab fist fulls of sausage, run outside, kick a dog and then jump into the air screaming "GO MEAT!" The End.
The most horrifying aspect of this? How attractive all of these commercials are. How catchy, memorable, delightful and funny they are so the images stick in your head like cheese to a greasy beef patty slapped upon the grille. They are SO good that people, actually entire families -- mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters -- have been reproducing these commercials on YouTube. For Fun!
This one has some nice Christian undertones to it:
3 teenage girls all dressed in white sitting on a golf course singing a song about meat? God bless us all!

Anyway, all I have to say is...
1 comment:
Go meat, indeed. The weirdest is the prep school girls at golf practice. What is this Hillshire Farms ad campaign anyway? A backhanded response to PETA? My amateur opinion is that the Hillshire Farms demographic are the least-likely to go veg, so what are they so worried about? In fact, the thing that offends me most about Hillshire isn't that they kill animals, but that their final products don't even resemble food that ANYONE should eat (dogs included). Yard-O-Beef? WTF! That, combined their overzealous usage of MSG, make H. Farms a brand I would never buy. This meat simply isn't meet.
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