Monday, June 28, 2010

A Quick Email To My Voice Teacher Sent While Hungover

Sunday, June 27th, 2010

Dear XXX,

Unfortunately I need to cancel my lesson for this coming Monday the 28th. I drank myself into a retarded stupor last night and will only be able to produce sounds akin to that of a croaking frog for the next few days. Also, I believe I'm getting sick with that cold everyone who takes public transportation seems to have, despite my efforts to cover my face and hold my breath when a stranger coughs in my general direction. Also, I smoked a cigarette Saturday night. Also, I'm broke. With all of these reasons combined I hope you understand that if we were to meet this week our lesson would be you siting there playing piano and running through scales with an aged walrus blowing notes through a flat tire whose only payment would be a rusty tin can with 1 bean left inside.

I look forward to continuing our lessons next month, when I will be fully recovered, sober, and financially stable.

