Monday, July 30, 2007

My final words

Well, here he is, only 15 minutes late! I really can't complain. It's been a crazy ride kids, and now the train finally chugs to a stop. Choo chooooooooooooooooo

My favorite caller this weekend has to be the old man who typed in "ipconfig gerry" into the DOS prompt. He misunderstood me when I told him "g as in 'gerry'" when spelling it out for him over the phone. Maybe I should have said "g as in 'geriatric' you dusty old cracker!"

My least favorite caller was the lady from Nantucket who called me 4 or 5 times not being able to stay connected on her fucking yacht. YOUR ON A BOAT YOU DUMB BITCH WHAT THE FUCK? She kept talking about her lawyer's and attorney's offices where the connectivity was fine. Well I don't think the expensive carpeting and cedar desks are going to cause much interference but what about a 10-ton piece of floating metal?!?!? Man, what a cock. Ask Gina and Kev, they heard the whole thing.

Well... thats it folks, thanks to those of you who stuck with me through this whole ordeal. Now to continue on in other adventures outside of computers, where the sun shines and guitar strings glow in the moonlight! Where pepper's fry in a sweet ecstasy of flavorful enchantment on a golden wok in heaven's kitchen.
Where a dove swoops down and kisses you on the cheek, the cheek of a baby daffodil in the morning light and where cherry blossoms bloom and... and...


Silence Dogood said...


I can't believe the woman is trying to get online in her yacht. That's precious.

Good job, Tones.
See you tonight - I'll treat you to some Jujubes!

Unknown said...

Bitches and yachts...oh brother. You should have played her some Kenny Loggins to soothe her flapping gums.