Monday, July 30, 2007

Tech-support hell

I was fortunate enough to fall asleep around 2 and then not get a call until 7:30 this morning. Unfortunately after that things have been going down hill. First I get a call from a grade-a dickswab of a customer who argued with me. Without getting too technical i'll explain that he wanted me to reset a piece of equipment but I stated I would not do so until he worked with me first. Reasonable enough, and I got to use my favorite line, "You called ME for support sir, so you are going to have to listen to what I say." The conflict ended with him spouting, "I guess we're in a stalemate!" and then hanging up. I proceeded to scratch my balls.

So yea, now it's 8:10 and my boss is no where in sight. He said he'd come relieve me of my duties at 8AM, but here I am still taking calls. I'm pretty upset, I wanted to get off the phones and go back to bed, wake up 2 hours later, then eat some bruckfrest and start my day!

Well... ah well... I'll never break my shackles from the man. Oh masta!

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