Saturday, July 28, 2007

The RX diaries

I start off today with a headache. I fucking love these days, the ones where I wake up in nauseating pain. I get these matutinal* "neck aches" and it feels like the chicken bones and cartilage in my neck are all misaligned and no matter how much I stretch and massage, it doesn't go away. I have some Excedrin I can take, but I also have to take Claritin-D and I'm pretty sure the caffeine and psuedophederin will make me shit-crazy. Then I'll have to take a Prylosec to calm my tommmy down. Fuck.

No calls yet, 8:15. I'm going to get a bowl of raisin bran crunchers right now.

*matutinal - Relating to or occurring in the morning; early. (I just saw it in my word-a-day e-mail from and thought it fit well. I believe it
greatly behooves one's mind to explore the English lexicon and be a bit intrepid here and there with word choice. *jerk* *jerk jerk jerk* *jerk myself off*)

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