Sunday, July 29, 2007

Whoopie pie

I ate my celebratory whoopie pie tonight. Man it was a taste sensation all inside my mouth, but stinky ol' grampy decided to call me in the middle of it and poop about his network connections. Ah well, I suppose that's just a overall metaphor for life. Whenever you're eating desert, grampy is just gonna call and fuck it all up. Thanks gramp-o!

My marathon is almost complete. It actually hasn't been bad at all, but I bet tomorrow morning around 6 I'll start getting calls up the wazzer and it'll sting like a cranberry bitch! But it's okay, afterward I only have to start packing up all my belongings and move 20 minutes away to Leominster.

I realize tonight is perhaps my last night in Cedar St. but more on that later... I don't feel like getting all gushy and mawkish right now.

Oop! Here's another call! Tech support this is Tony!

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